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I’m Jenna Kain

Personal Health and Wellness Coach

Helping you find your path to health and happiness.

Health Coaching

Let me help you with chronic pain, Lyme disease, autoimmune disease, or your weight-loss goals

Wellness Building

Find a new way of living by creating healthy rhythms in your life to create lifelong wellness

What Is Health Coaching?

As a Certified Health Coach, I help individuals and families achieve their health and wellness goals by providing trusted, science-based information, positive encouragement and motivation.

Health coaches help clients change their lives, improving their physical health and overall wellbeing. Health coaching is for adults, families, kids, expectant moms, and for seniors looking to spend their second half of life making the most of it. 

Who Is Coaching For?

Everyone! Coaching is for someone who wants to see goals met, success accomplished and a new life found. As much as it is for everyone, coaching isn’t for someone who wants me to do all the work. Your success depends on the effort you make in your health journey.

Coaching can be done in person in our Health & Wellness Retreat in East Ithaca, NY or via ZOOM. If you come in person you should try out our Clearlight Infrared Sauna.

What is The Process Like?


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1. Setup an initial 15 minute consultation

Call me for a no-pressure 15 minute consultation to see if I am  a good fit for your goals, personality or time commitments. If you want to continue, GREAT, if it’s not the right fit or time then that’s okay too!

2. Fill out paperwork and goal list

Understanding the scope of your health and wellness history helps me as your health coach come up with a program that meets your specific needs and goals. Your goal list will help target our sessions towards what you want to accomplish. YOU are in the driver seat.

3. Setup a weekly, monthly, or custom program

Each person is different, and their goals are unique to their needs. Some people want to meet weekly for 6 weeks. Some people want to meet 1 time a month for 4-6 months. And some people want a custom mix to make a program for them

4. See Success!

Your Success depends wholly on you. I can help you reach your goals, but if you don’t follow-through then you will keep falling back into the bad habits of yesterday. Become a new you, it’s up to you but I am here coaching and cheering you on along the way with great tips, recipes, goals, and anything else that you need for your success.

Coaching Packages

2 Week Coaching Package

2 Meetings over the course of 1 month. Bonus text/email quick-connect as needed. 20% off supplements on professional dispensary,


4 Week Coaching Package

4 coaching sessions includes pantry makeover. Bonus text/email quick-connect as needed. 20% off supplements on professional dispensary,

8 Week Coaching Package

8 coaching sessions spread out over 4 months. Includes pantry makeover and grocery shopping trip. Bonus text/email quick-connect as needed. 20% off supplements on professional dispensary,

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Your Own Path to Health Today!

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